Sunday, October 14, 2018

King Lear Reflections 2&3

Scene 2:
- In this act Edmund acknowledges that he is gifted in the mind and body as a legitimate child. He plans to know that he himself knows that their is something special in his conception. Acknowledging this, gloucester feels as if his son is plotting to kill him.

Scene 3:
- In this act goneril is ashamed by her father because of his ways. She feels as if every little decision he makes is petty and childish and seem to not care because of the power he holds. Goneril stands her ground with the feelings she have against her father. So she does everything in her power to go against every decision that is made to make things right for herself.

A Loyal Friend

Loyal friends relate to you like no other
Their the ones that i can tell my soul to
Loyal friends are like a sister or a brother
Through thick and thin they are always there for you
Being loyal keeps us from falling
Like an angel who lifts us to our feet
Staying true to our profession and calling
A type of loyalty that never ends bittersweet

Staying loyal is like a precious flower
But can easily be poisoned
It is a bond that keeps growing every hour
Loyalty astounds the relation of every reason

To me, loyal friends are never apart
Maybe in distance, but never at heart

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Psalms 34

        Psalms 34 consistently talks about the relationship that God wants His children of the world to have with Him. One can clearly understand that God wants everyone to follow in the steps of righteousness. He will bless His children continuously if one sticks by his side. This verse astounds on the fact that no matter what sin is committed to a person, He will always love and bless that person who seeks help from Him. Additionally, God comfort and respect each and every child of the world. However, He wants His children to acknowledge the path that He wants them in.

          These particular verses havmultiple types of meanings behind the word of God. “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” This verse means that those that seek the Lord they should not want for anything because the Lord already blesses them with the things they need. These verses thoroughly explain what God wants in His children. For example, “ come, ye children, hearken unto me: i will teach you the fear of the Lord.” This verse shows that the Lord will teach His children how to respect Him only if that person wants to follow in the path of humbleness. However, the verse as a whole symbolizes: peace and respect. The theme of this verse is that one that dwells in the path of righteousness shall forever be blessed. Therefore, God wants all of his children to love and honor Him.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Infant Sorrow & Joy comparison

       Both poems “Infant sorrow,” and “Infant joy,” is written by William Blake. Infant sorrow deeply astounds on the birth of a child born into a dangerous society. In this poem, it seemed as if the newborn child was confused on why he/she was brought into this harmful world. However, the meaning behind this poem is that when a baby is born, they are entering a world that is unfamiliar to them and is full of dangerous things around them. The child seeks for safety and comfort by the sulking of the mother’s breast. Blakes structural pattern of this poem strongly implies that, childbirth is not always joyful and exciting but it brings pain and sorrow. However, as the child is young, he/she will be protected and nurtured by their parents forever.

       The poem Infant Joy astounds on the two day old infant who seemed to have an unadulterated happiness. Even though the child has been only two days old it seemed as if it had already connected itself with its surroundings. This poem shows the imaginary conversation between the mother and the newborn child. Throughout infant joy, their are many words used to describe the newborn child to express thoughts and feelings of both the mother and the father. However, both poems gives different messages in the same form and fashion of a poem. Both poems Infant sorrow and Infant Joy are two companionable poems that share the same context. In conclusion, both poems extracts the truthful meaning on the precious emotions the parents have bringing a newborn child into this dangerous world.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Reader Profile

Reading is something that i am very passionate about. It brings visions to my mind of how and what a certain person or character has been through in a certain situation and how they have over achieved it. I value more of mystery novels more than the rest. Mystery novels gives more of a cliff hanging type of vision because you become so interested that you feel like you were there as if you can guess what will happen next. However, one of my weaknesses in reading is natural science based novels. Due to science being my weakest subjects, i have a hard time understanding the types of information and history being given. Prose fictional novels is also my weakest point in reading. With prose fiction i have a hard time with finding rhetorical devices and comprehending them as well. My strength is poetry because i love the way people express themselves in a rhythm like feeling. I am very good at breaking down poems and summarizing them. My purpose for reading is to enhance my reading abilities and expand my way of summarizing novels as well. Lastly, to make sure that I practice my reading skills and learning to improve on my weaknesses i will work hard to overcome those problems throughout my 12th grade year because i know that i can fulfill anything successfully with any and everything i love doing.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Rock-Pile Reflection

       The Rock pile is a pile of rocks occupying the empty space between two houses. The two boys, John and Roy, are forbidden by their mother, to play in the rock pile. More specifically, it is Roy who is directly forbidden because the mother knows that John would probably not take the risk anyway. Therefore, each Saturday morning, the boys sit on the fire escape of their home and longingly watch other boys playing on the rock pile. Their mother, Elizabeth, usually sat in the room behind them and sewed or helped their younger sister Delilah, or took care of the baby boy Paul.

       "The Rock pile" shares several parallels with Go Tell It on the Mountain, but it also deviates from the novel in its portrayal of the character of Elizabeth. The story recounts in concentrated detail the incident of Roy's fight and injury which, in the novel, takes place on the Saturday of John's birthday. Baldwin apparently found the story form too constricting in what it allowed him to accomplish in the development of Gabriel's character as well as Elizabeth's. They both have features similar to those they have in the novel, but the background information on how they came to be as they are cannot be handled very effectively within the story. For example, Gabriel is presented as an angry man

A Worn Path Reflection

       The main character of the story is Phoenix Jackson, an old and poor woman who tracks through many different settings on her way to town. Phoenix undergoes many different character changes as the story progresses. The changes in Phoenix Jackson are visible as she walks through the pine trees, crosses the stream, and while sitting at the doctor's office.She shows her determination as she struggles along the trail. She walks side to side in a manner that would suggest quickness in her step, maybe a little quicker than she would normally be maintaining. She needs to return home before the sun goes down with the medicine for her little grandson. Phoenix knows the trail very well and walks with confidence, not even looking at where her feet are landing. Along the way she stops to warn the foxes and other small animals to stay out of her way saying, "Out of my way, all you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons, and wild animals! Keep out from under these feet, little bob-whites .Keep the big wild hogs out of my path. Don't let none of those come running my direction. The tone Phoenix uses suggests that she means business and must finish what she set out to do. .
       As Phoenix approaches the creek, and it becomes obvious that her character changes to that of a child. She takes a large first step raising her knee high, walking onto the log resembling a child marching, while holding the small cane straight out, as if to point the direction as other children follow her. This image of Phoenix is one a person would most likely associate with children. As she crosses the creek, she sits down to rest and finds herself hallucinating.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection

       Throughout the book “A Lesson Before Dying,” i felt that jefferson never wanted to engage on fighting for his life. He knew that he was accused of something he did not do even though he did not do what he looked like he did during the crime. However, every since his lawyer viewed him as a hog , Jefferson has played the tole of a pathetic creature than to fight for his own life. I believed that Grant  tried his best to help Jefferson but he was too stubborn to realize it. Grant struggled to help Jefferson die as a man because Grant had trouble with knowing how to be a man and truly finding himself as one. Gant was so busy focusing on the racist society and his fears of becoming his old teacher that he could not focus on helping Jefferson fight for his life. Although Grant wanted to hwlp, Jefferson seemed to not care for his life due to what people viewed him as.

      Grants experiences shows how a racist society is racist even in its smallest interactions. throughout the chapters, Jefferson starts to take steps toward recovering his dignity by voicing and acting upon personal desires. He starts to realize how his life was going to end, even at a young age. Additionally, he eventually thanks Grant because he helped him realize his true self-being. Since he acknowledged his intelligence as a human action, he seem to be relinquishing his tendency to deny his humanity. Both Grant and Jefferson took a pivotal change in their life. They both realized how hard it is to die a man and even become a man. In conclusion, Grant and Jefferson was brought to reality on how cruel the world can be and how racism can change the lives of blacks as a whole dramatically.

Friday, January 26, 2018

A Letter to Grant

Hello Grant, I see that you are caught in an very rough situation. Here's what you should do: you should gather everyone together as you go and visit Jefferson. You should be honest and tell his godmother the truth and explain to both of them what you want to do to help Jefferson prepare for his death as a man. You should take control of the situation you are putting yourself in. You and I both know that once you tell Jefferson's godmother the truth he is going to be distraught about it but you have to gain control over the situation and have a man to man conversation and look at it on both sides.