Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection

       Throughout the book “A Lesson Before Dying,” i felt that jefferson never wanted to engage on fighting for his life. He knew that he was accused of something he did not do even though he did not do what he looked like he did during the crime. However, every since his lawyer viewed him as a hog , Jefferson has played the tole of a pathetic creature than to fight for his own life. I believed that Grant  tried his best to help Jefferson but he was too stubborn to realize it. Grant struggled to help Jefferson die as a man because Grant had trouble with knowing how to be a man and truly finding himself as one. Gant was so busy focusing on the racist society and his fears of becoming his old teacher that he could not focus on helping Jefferson fight for his life. Although Grant wanted to hwlp, Jefferson seemed to not care for his life due to what people viewed him as.

      Grants experiences shows how a racist society is racist even in its smallest interactions. throughout the chapters, Jefferson starts to take steps toward recovering his dignity by voicing and acting upon personal desires. He starts to realize how his life was going to end, even at a young age. Additionally, he eventually thanks Grant because he helped him realize his true self-being. Since he acknowledged his intelligence as a human action, he seem to be relinquishing his tendency to deny his humanity. Both Grant and Jefferson took a pivotal change in their life. They both realized how hard it is to die a man and even become a man. In conclusion, Grant and Jefferson was brought to reality on how cruel the world can be and how racism can change the lives of blacks as a whole dramatically.