Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Day 8 ( Reflection & Daily News )

Reflection: I believe that Sofia’s boldness soon gets her in trouble. When the mayor’s wife, Miss Millie, notices the cleanliness of Sofia’s children and asks Sofia to be her maid, Sofia responds with a curt “Hell no.” The mayor slaps Sofia for her sass, and Sofia knocks him down, an offense that lands her in jail. Upon visiting, Celie finds Sofia badly beaten, and her ribs and skull cracked. Celie is scared, but sits down and grooms Sofia. At home, everyone decides they need to get Sofia out of jail. Squeak admits that she is the niece of the white prison warden, so Mr. ______ tells her to go plead for Sofia’s release. Celie and the others dress Squeak up “like she a white woman” and send her off, armed with fraudulent words to trick the warden into granting Sofia’s release.

- Daily News: Today i felt more accomplished with myself because i was able to work on my off day including going to another job interview that went excellent. Basically, i try to surround myself with positive people and positive vibes because you never know what a person struggles to do everyday. 

Day 7 ( daily news )

Monday was like any other typical day for me. However, it was quite fun if im not mistakened because i went out with my friends for a little while until it was time for me to go to work of course. I feel as i am finally becoming a young man because each day i try my best to accomplish each challenge that arose.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Day 5 letters 23-27 (January 30)

Reflection: I noticed that Shug Avery is sick, likely due to a sexually transmitted disease, and no one in the town will take her in. Both her mother and father say that Shug’s promiscuity has gotten her what she deserves. Mr. ______ leaves home unannounced and returns with the feeble Shug in his wagon. Though weak, feverish, and malnourished, Shug still has a razor-sharp tongue.

Daily news: That day i was very busy because i had plenty of stressful homework plus my job but it is alot of fun because i am able to keep my mind off certain things and put my hardwork into my schoolwork.

Day 4 reflection letter 10 (January 28th)

Reflection: i noticed that after brooding over the offer for a few months, Mr. ______ makes up his mind to take Celie. Celie desperately wants to stay in school, but Alphonso says she is too dumb to learn anything. Celie spends her wedding day bandaging a wound from a rock Mr. ______’s son throws at her, untangling her screaming stepdaughters’ hair, and cooking dinner. Celie spends a joyless wedding night with Mr. ______ on top of her, all the while worrying about Nettie’s safety.

Daily news: That day was stressful because i was in the mix of discussing my future career and i seem to struggle with that because i do not know what college i want to attend that will be good enough for me and my financial stability but however i managed to go through the day.

Pa’s letter to God

Reflection: I began to notice that each character in the Color Purple struggles from something known as abuse and how to become a stronger person. However, it is common that Alphonso know he struggles with controling young women and abusing them for his sexual needs he tends to reach out to god from my perspective of the letter i wrote to show he wants help.

Daily blog: today has been wonderful to me. My friends and i went to the new spot called Cook Out, the experience was nice even though they are a little bit overrated but the food was GREAT😈

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Day 3 (Weekend)

During the weekend i spent time out with my friends his birthday celebration. Most importantly this weekend was my pay weekend because i got paid lol. However, I realized how much i care for my friends no matter what i go through i know that i will always have people of positivity around me.

Day 2 - The Color Purple (Reflection & Daily News)

 Throughout letters 7-9 Alphonso refuses to hand Nettie over to Mr.... stating that she is far too young and inexperienced to marry a man with children. Alphonso wants Nettie to continue her schooling and offers the man Celie instead. Alphonso claims that though Celie is ugly, a liar, and “spoiled twice,” she is older and hardworking.