Saturday, February 2, 2019

Day 4 reflection letter 10 (January 28th)

Reflection: i noticed that after brooding over the offer for a few months, Mr. ______ makes up his mind to take Celie. Celie desperately wants to stay in school, but Alphonso says she is too dumb to learn anything. Celie spends her wedding day bandaging a wound from a rock Mr. ______’s son throws at her, untangling her screaming stepdaughters’ hair, and cooking dinner. Celie spends a joyless wedding night with Mr. ______ on top of her, all the while worrying about Nettie’s safety.

Daily news: That day was stressful because i was in the mix of discussing my future career and i seem to struggle with that because i do not know what college i want to attend that will be good enough for me and my financial stability but however i managed to go through the day.

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