Monday, November 13, 2017

The Sorrow of War (Sunday)

  • Pages: 126-146
  • Passage One: In later years Kien regretted his harsh assessment of his father and his disdain for his dying words. He had been embarrassed about his eccentric father and had frequently shown dislike for his work and words when he was alive. That much was true.  (Pg. 127, 1st paragraph)
  • Question One: Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?
  • Answer: Never mistreat the ones you love. Kien began to regret the way he treated his father.
  • Question Two: Does the quotation characterize Kien, Phoung, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?
  • Answer: This quote characterizes Kien and how he felt towards his father and also how he treated him.

  • Passage Two: Kien had crawled most of the day and a night, dragging himself through mud on the forest floor, his naked body badly cut up. Men who had escaped from the massacre met up with him on the edge of the forest and carried him west to the border. He came to at clinic 8, safely close to the cambodien border. (Pg. 140, 4th paragraph)
  • Question One: Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?
  • Answer: Never give up. As Kien was badly injured he continued to go on and find help.
  • Question Two: Does the quotation characterize Kien, Phoung, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?
  • Answer: This quote characterizes how strong and difficult kien was and what it took for him to survive his ambush.

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