Sunday, January 27, 2019

Day 3 (Weekend)

During the weekend i spent time out with my friends his birthday celebration. Most importantly this weekend was my pay weekend because i got paid lol. However, I realized how much i care for my friends no matter what i go through i know that i will always have people of positivity around me.

Day 2 - The Color Purple (Reflection & Daily News)

 Throughout letters 7-9 Alphonso refuses to hand Nettie over to Mr.... stating that she is far too young and inexperienced to marry a man with children. Alphonso wants Nettie to continue her schooling and offers the man Celie instead. Alphonso claims that though Celie is ugly, a liar, and “spoiled twice,” she is older and hardworking.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Color Purple ( Reflection & Daily News)

Reflection letters 1-7:

       In letter one, after Celie's mother gave birth to little Luscious, her mother and father fussed a lot because he felt as if she was not being a wife. He felt that way because all he wanted was sex which causes him to rape Celie ( his daughter) scarring for life. In letter two Celie explains how Fonso gets her pregnant numerous of times and tells her that he killed the children but she believes he is selling them. Additionally, her mother dies of a heart attack because her own daughter was pregnant but did not know it was by her own husband. In letter three, the father tends to be tired of Celie so he attends to her younger sister. I feel as if the only way she was going to protect her sister was to continue letting him have sex with her and giving him what he wanted. In letter four, he come home with a girl the same age as her however, Celie felt as if he only does it to her. In letter five, he began beating on Celie because he felt as if she flirted with other boys at the church but she then describes her interest in women because of him. In letter six, Fonso asked Nettie to marriage but did not like the fact that she was too young and had no experience. lastly, in letter seven, she explains how she tried to get him to take her instead of her sister because she wants to protect her sister no matter the cost.


- Today for me has been some what ok. Even though I was hungry the whole entire day which is nothing new, I found myself a little stressed because of some things in and outside of school causing me to be tired and to myself really. but I always find a way to push forward into my school work.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Vocabulary Paragraph

       The year of 2017 was the year full of lament and mourn over the loss of a close friend of mine. It was around valentines day when I found out that not only my best friend was shot but my closest sister Niaa Savage. Every since that holiday arose, I did not contentiously enjoy it as much as I use to. I did not want to talk to anyone that felt deprivated around me because I did not feel the need of basic people at the time. however, I promised the day that it happened, the day that I lost her everything I do I will do it for her. my school work and everything I accomplished was obsolete as well. I usually don't be to incongruous to my school work. through out my high school year my work has been miraculous since the start. however, once I started to receive acceptance letters for colleges and scholarship money I felt with great opulence on how my future will turn out. But even though I am going  to graduate this year I feel that I will sound enjambment when I speak.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


 My reflection of doing this project is something self learned. I felt as if I was able to express my thoughts and feelings through this particular project. However, I was able to work in a group of multi-talented people who seemed to love their position of this project. as we came up with ideas, we were able to compose all of them together creating something one could say: different.

Poem to the Monster

Edwardo the Monster
all kids play with play dough,
but on a particular day they created a monster named, Edwardo.
he had a small right eye, but a huge left eye,
which made one think, did my kids give the monster a stye.
He had scars and hideous teeth,
coming from the kids kicking him around the tree,
in that moment I seen fire in his eyes,
Which I felt that I may have to tell my kids goodbye.
He always gave me a weird vibe,
which explained his anger inside,
later on in the darkness of my home,
maybe I could've been tripping,
until I heard covers ripping,
The kids did a loud scream,
which made my ears ring,
I had no idea that my life would take this path,
all I seen in the closet were my kids scraps.

Poem about the monster

Why am I here?
Why am I here?
Is it a choice of neglect?
Why are the kids instilled with fear?
Is it because of human regret?
Since then of my creation.
I did not understand my purpose.
Which then triggered my frustration.
Which led the children into being nervous.
With my hideous looks and furious hunger.
My sense of starvation began to rise.
I snuck into their classroom eating and killing the younger.
Leading me to shock when everyone dies.
I don't know how to feel
I don't know why I am here
which causes me to kill
ending my life yet severe.

Short Story

       It was a normal day at Galliard elementary school except for in Mr. Rease's pre-k class. it all started when Antonio and Lucy made a play dough monster. all of the other kids thought it looked disgusting due to its different sized eyes, unfamiliar head shape, and its gloomy formed teeth. even though the monster they created seemed weird, the kids decided to give it a name: Edwardo. however, Jonathan put the icing on the cake by adding a special booger making the toy play dough monster, Edwardo, come to life. once recess was over, the kids came back inside not expecting the monster to be there. the kids shouted with fear and tried to run out but the door, all of a saddened becomes jammed leaving them stuck inside with the horrible monster. with a look of suspense, Mr. Rease returned to the room to see all of his students gone with Antonio's glasses still on the floor. Edwardo ate the children leaving Mr. Rease with calling for help to locking up the hideous monster. FOR LIFE.